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In 2024, we will be reading this plan together. It is a 2-year, through the Bible plan prepared by Stephen Witmer. Following this plan might be a great way to order your Bible reading and keep many of us in the church reading the same passages each day.

We will publish the daily readings here, on the church app, and in the bulletin each week, along with some reflections and thoughts about the sermon each weekend. You can track along on the app or website, where a song is included each day! We look forward to this journey through the Bible together as a church family in 2024-2025.

Daily Worship

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Daily Worship - Monday, 4/1/2024


READ Numbers 28-29 Psalm 91 PRAY For the month of April 2024 we will be using the book of Romans each day to guide our prayers. Romans 1:8 "First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world." Take some time in prayer today to thank God for the witness of the church in the world. Pray for Faith Baptist and o...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 3/31/2024

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READ Numbers 26-27 Psalm 90 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon this Sunday, March 31, is part 2 of John 3:1-15, focusing especially on verse 13. Read the entire passage ahead of the service on Sunday to focus your heart and mind, and to be prepared to hear the preaching of God's Word. PRAY For the month of March 2024 we will be using a portion of Psalm 103 each day to guide o...

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 3/30/2024

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READ Numbers 25 Psalm 89 WEEKEND REFLECTION This Sunday is Resurrection Sunday! We celebrate that our Hope is alive. Jesus is risen! This is the most wonderful, life-giving truth for believers. We can see this even in our Bible reading this week. Psalm 89:3-4 refers to the covenant that God made with David. Note what it says in verse four: "I will establish your offspr...

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Daily Worship - Friday, 3/29/2024

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READ Numbers 22-24 Psalm 88 PRAY For the month of March 2024 we will be using a portion of Psalm 103 each day to guide our prayers. Psalm 103:1 Bless theLord, O my soul,and all that is within me,bless his holy name! To bless the Lord is to praise him by declaring truth about him. Take a moment to do this, praising him and thanking him for who he is and all that he has ...

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Daily Worship - Thursday, 3/28/2024

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READ Numbers 20-21 Psalm 87 PRAY For the month of March 2024 we will be using a portion of Psalm 103 each day to guide our prayers. Psalm 103:20-22 Bless theLord, O youhis angels,youmighty ones whodo his word,obeying the voice of his word!Bless theLord, all hishosts,hisministers, who do his will!Bless theLord, all his works,in all places of his dominion.Bless theLord, ...

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Daily Worship - Wednesday, 3/27/2024

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READ Numbers 18-19 Psalm 86 PRAY For the month of March 2024 we will be using a portion of Psalm 103 each day to guide our prayers. Psalm 103:15-19 As for man, his days are likegrass;he flourishes likea flower of the field;forthe wind passes over it, andit is gone,andits place knows it no more.Butthe steadfast love of theLordis from everlasting to everlasting onthose w...

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Daily Worship - Tuesday, 3/26/2024

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READ Numbers 16-17 Psalm 85 PRAY For the month of March 2024 we will be using a portion of Psalm 103 each day to guide our prayers. Psalm 103:13-14 Asa father shows compassion to his children,so theLordshows compassionto those who fear him.For he knows our frame;heremembers that we are dust. In Matthew 6:9 Jesus begins the words of his model prayer with "Our Father..."...

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Daily Worship - Monday 3/25/2024

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READ Numbers 15 Psalm 84 PRAY For the month of March 2024 we will be using a portion of Psalm 103 each day to guide our prayers. Psalm 103:8-12 The Lord is merciful and gracious,slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.He will not always chide,nor will he keep his anger forever.He does not deal with us according to our sins,nor repay us according to our iniquities...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 3/24/2024

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READ Numbers 13-14 Psalm 83 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon for Sunday, March 24 is on John 3:1-15. It is Palm Sunday, and we will be considering Jesus' interactions with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. It is a passage loaded with wonderful, gospel truth. Read it before the service to prepare your heart to worship. PRAY For the month of March 2024 we will be using a portion of...

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 3/23/2024

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READ Numbers 11-12 Psalm 82 WEEKEND REFLECTION Often, at the very conclusion of a Sunday gathering at Faith, a pastor will say this: The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. We read that passage Numbers 6:24-26 this week! And what a blessing it is to...

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