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In 2024, we will be reading this plan together. It is a 2-year, through the Bible plan prepared by Stephen Witmer. Following this plan might be a great way to order your Bible reading and keep many of us in the church reading the same passages each day.

We will publish the daily readings here, on the church app, and in the bulletin each week, along with some reflections and thoughts about the sermon each weekend. You can track along on the app or website, where a song is included each day! We look forward to this journey through the Bible together as a church family in 2024-2025.

Posts Tagged with "Proverbs"

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 6/30/2024


READ 2 Samuel 15-16 Proverbs 27 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon for Sunday, June 23 is on Philippians 2:1-11. Read this passage, maybe with your family, to prepare your heart for the preaching of God's word. PRAY For the month of June 2024, we will be using meditations on Psalm 23:1-2 for our prayer guide each day. "for his name's sake." Meditate upon God's glory. He does...

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Daily Worship - Saturday, 6/15/2024


READ 1 Samuel 20-21 Proverbs 15:1-29 WEEKEND REFLECTION This week we read part of the tragedy that is Saul's life and legacy. All through his life we can see that he did not trust in the Lord with his whole heart. At one point, Samuel rebukes Saul for disobeying the Lord. He said: "To obey is better than sacrifice." 1 Samuel 15:22 Why does God delight in our obedience...

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Daily Worship - Tuesday, 6/11/2024


READ Proverbs 11 1 Samuel 13:1-14:48 PRAY For the month of June 2024, we will be using meditations on Psalm 23:1-2 for our prayer guide each day. "I shall not want." Meditate on the truth that because it is God himself who is your shepherd, he will supply all your needs. You will lack nothing that he determines is good for your life. Lay your needs before God today an...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 6/9/2024


READ 1 Samuel 8-9 Proverbs 8 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon for Sunday, June 9, will be on Philippians 1:18b-26, where Paul joyfully exclaims, for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Read this passage to prepare your heart for the preaching of God's Word. PRAY For the month of June 2024, we will be using meditations on Psalm 23:1-2 for our prayer guide each day. ...

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Daily Worship - Sunday, 6/2/2024


READ Ruth 4 Proverbs 2:1-22 SUNDAY SERMON The sermon for Sunday, June 2 is on Philippians 1:12-18a. Read that on Saturday night and Sunday morning to prepare your heart for the preaching of God's Word. PRAY For the month of June 2024, we will be using meditations on Psalm 23:1-2 for our prayer guide each day. "for his name's sake." Meditate upon God's glory. He doe...

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